Measure and improve your negotiation ability

Smartphone mit Added Insight App

Sumbiosis co-founded the company Meeting Kitchen with other partners. Meeting Kitchen is specialized on the development of digital tools to optimize collaboration processes. Added Insight is one of these tools: an online application to measure and develop your negotiation ability.


Added Insight – measuring negotiation ability
  • A digital tool to measure negotiation ability during trainings or in real negotiations
  • Developed with scientific guidance from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences


Rapid assistance to prepare for an upcoming meeting.

App Meeting Ahead

Use Meeting Ahead whenever you don’t have a lot of time to prepare for an upcoming meeting or negotiation. Who hasn’t had to rush to a meeting, only to scribble down some last-minute thoughts? Meeting Ahead helps you to structure these thoughts by guiding you through questions crucial for successful meetings. Even if you’re already on the elevator!


Meeting Ahead – Prepare your meeting on the go

  • Targeted questions to prepare meetings and negotiations
  • Cheat sheet to take into your meeting
  • Optimized to quickly prepare a meeting on the go


Plan, structure, and evaluate complex negotiations.

App Negotiation Toolbox

Confidence and success in negotiations, meetings, and discussions require a planned and structured approach. The Negotiation Toolbox is a digital helper that provides you with useful tools that allow you to prepare for a negotiation in a targeted manner. The Negotiation Toolbox helps you in every stage of the process: before, during or after a negotiation.


Negotiation Toolbox – for every phase of a negotiation
  • A digital tool for negotiation preparation, management, and debriefing
  • An interactive tool to prepare a meeting or discussion
  • In-depth material for further learning